Last Update:
Well, the long and boring off-season is almost over and as we
wing our way merrily into the new football year, it's time to publish
the first issue of "On Porpoise", my personal look at the foibles,
foolishness, fun and football happenings of the Miami Dolphins.
"On Porpoise" is my not-so humble attempt to shed a little light
on the annual quest for football greatness by my favorite NFL team,
the Miami Dolphins. I make no claims about having any inside
information to regale you with and I don't want you to think that I
have any special insight into the goings-on down in Miami. Whatever
inside information I may get this year, I will share with you
instantly through my news bulletins. And whatever insight I may have
comes from a strictly amateur point of view.
I am not now, nor have I ever been a professonal football coach,
player or sportswriter. The last time I played tackle football was
when I was 12 years old and the last time I was even on the sidelines
during a game was in 1972, when I was an athletic trainer for my high
school football team.
Nevertheless, I love the game and I enjoy writing about it, so I
do. More to the point, I have a fanatical allegiance to the Miami
Dolphins that I regard as my only true addiction, ( outside of
chocolate and Michelle Pfeiffer, of course) that causes me to live
only for the next Dolphins game during the season and to live for the
return of the season during the off-season.
I'm sure many of you feel the same way about your favorite team.
This addiction has had a curious effect on me. Because I live in
New England and am surrounded by Patriot's fans, it's hard to get into
a decent discussion with anyone about the Dolphins. This situation is
somewhat lessened by the presence of the newsgroups, but even they
have their drawbacks, as any of you regular readers know.
So last season I decided to start writing "On Porpoise". About
once a week or whenever the urge strikes me, I put fingers to keyboard
and pound away, hoping for something reasonably coherent and perhaps
even interesting to appear on the screen.
Sometimes, of course, I succeed better than others.
As a result of my pounding, you can be sure of only two things:
First, that "On Porpoise" will be written by me for the Internet
community for fun and no profit at intervals that are approximately
once a week, although I make no guarantees about the regularity (or
irregularity) of the publishing. And second, that the subject matter
will be the Miami Dolphins. Anything else that comes out of it will
be blind luck.
This is the "zeroth" issue of "On Porpoise" for 1995, the purpose
of which is to introduce the readers to it's existence. Very
shortly, there will be several more issues, in which I hope to talk
about the upcoming season in some detail.
I must apologize for the absence of "On Porpoise" before this
late date. I have been very busy this summer with a number of
projects, including (but not limited to) working on my personal
Dolphins Web Site and trying to help the Dolphin Digest get aquainted
with the Internet in anticipation of their establishing a Web Site of
their own.
By the way, you can get "On Porpoise" via email by subscribing to
the mailing list "dolphins-info". You do this by sending email to
[email protected] with the words "subscribe dolphins-info" in
the body of the message.
So that about does it for the introductory issue of "On
Porpoise". I make no pretense at being "objective" in "On Porpoise",
whatever that means to football fans (very little, I presume). But I
do assure of one thing - when I do publish my thoughts, feelings and
opinions about the Dolphins through this venue, it will not be by
accident that I do this. It will be....
... On Porpoise.